Let’s continue our treasure hunt. This is the Lost Riches part 4! This time we will go to Stormterror’s Lairin Mondstadt and Mingyun Village in Liyue. I will also give you insight into the Special Treasure Challenge in Yaoguang Shoal.
If you haven’t done anything at the event, you can catch up fast by looking at our previous Lost Riches Guide. Here is part 1, part 2, and part 3.
Ganyu is already here with the new 5-star weapon banner. You might want to grab some free Primogems for it. We also cover the new Genshin Impact redeem code here. Grab it fast before it expires!
Lost Riches Part 4
I’ll be marking the Iron Coins location with a pickaxe, the Co-op Challenge with a star, and the special treasure with a 4-leaf clover.
Mingyun Village

We got 6 Iron Coins locations here in Mingyun Village. Four on the valley, and two on the cliff. There’s no problem on the low ground. You only have to deal with some treasure hoarders. Things got real bad when it comes to the high ground up north. You might have to face 4 Fatui Agents to get the coins. You got Electro, Hydro, Geo, and Pyro Fatui there. So, best of luck, I guess!
Stormterror’s Lair

It’s pretty easy here, but you can expect a hard fight from the Co-op Challenge. For the Iron Coins, you only have to deal with a hilicurl camp in the north of the area. The rest is without obstacles.
As for the Co-op Challenge, you have to beat 3 Abyss mage (2 Hydro and 1 Cryo) in 30 seconds. I gotta admit, it’s pretty hard, and I haven’t done it myself. You might actually need to go Co-op for this challenge. OR, you have some ridiculously powerful char with Pyro or Electro element, then maybe you can go for it solo.
Special Treasure

In Lost Riches part 4, we got another special treasure. It’s located near the beach near Guili Plain’s ruins. The challenge has 3 stages. The first stage must be completed in 60 seconds. Each time you complete a stage, you will get a bonus of 60 seconds time. In the first and second stage, you have to face a Mitacurl. In the third stage, you have to face Hilicurl’s boss or Geo Lawacurl.
I recommend you to bring a char with a Claymore and a good DPS. For me, I use Razor, along with Albedo, Traveler, and Amber.