We’re not done yet; our Lost Riches Part 3 guide is here! For the third part of the event, we’ll be off to Cuijue Slope in Liyue and Windrise in Mondstadt. You can also check the previous treasure location guide here.
To be honest with y’all, I’m only doing this event for the 300 Primogems plus some extra in the special treasure challenge. I think there is no other point of interest in this event. It’s just repetitive treasure hunting for a week. The special treasure is the only thing challenging here.
The other rewards besides the Primogems are very basic. We only got Mora, Hero’s Wit, Enhancement Ore, and Mini Seelie. These Mini Seelies are purely cosmetic, so it’s meh for me. They could have put some material like talent material or weapon material there, but they didn’t. And I’m sure Mihoyo could have come up with something better than this.
Lost Riches Part 3
Let’s not waste our time here. Lost Riches part 3; we’re off to Cuijue Slope and Windrise. Iron Coins are marked with a pickaxe, and the Co-op challenge is marked with a star.
Cuijue Slope

There are 7 points here in Cuijue Slope. All the Iron Coins are found in the valley, so you don’t need to climb whatsoever. You have to deal with a Hilicurl camp and some slimes in the southern part of the location. Other than that, nothing special.

Next, Windrise only got 6 coin spots. Great, we can complete this faster. For your information, some Iron Coins are behind the ruined walls. So, check your surroundings carefully. Here, you can also trigger the Co-op Challenge. It’s the same as before, go destroy 6 barrels in 15 seconds and you got 50k Mora.