Onward to day 2 of Hypostatic Symphony! We face Pure Anemo Hypostases. To be honest, I find the Anemo Hypostases is pretty annoying to fight, besides the Geo. I guess it would take a bit more work compared to the Electro on day 1.
I don’t know just how ambitious you are. But if you’re like me, a lazy-ass person, at least just go for the first clear rewards. Get all that 420 primogems. As for the total score rewards, I think I’ll just go for it near the end of the event. I don’t feel like getting all tryhard mode and doing Co-op games. I’m still getting headaches completing that damn Moments of Syzygy Spiral Abyss.
Pure Anemo Hypostases

Okay, so this PURE Anemo Hypostases got its attacks enhanced, but then again, there’s not much of a difference. The only difference is (CMIIW) that it has more Anemo Crystals and have this new thing I called Anemo Orbs. You need to retrieve or destroy all of them to defeat this Pure Anemo Hypostases completely.
Destroying the Anemo Orbs spawn a wind current. You can use the wind current mid-fight to retrieve the Anemo Crystals or launch a plunge attack. Next, the Anemo Crystals that spawn after it lost all its HP are moving. So, it’s harder to retrieve. You better catch them all at first if you want to complete the 120 seconds challenge, though.
On day 2, the bonus chars are Fischl, Xingqiu, Keqing, and Albedo. Congrats to you who got Albedo on the last banner (including me, HAHA!)